(Click one of the above chapters to head to their site!)
JETAA Oceania is the region that covers the JETAA chapters of Australia and New Zealand, and is supported by CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations) through the Sydney branch office, which also funds our activities and events.
Our chapters are each managed by a committee of enthusiastic volunteers who were past JET participants. Currently, there are 5 chapters (and 2 subchapters) in Australia and 3 chapters in New Zealand.
We frequently work with Japanese government agencies, cultural groups and sister-city associations to promote JET and intercultural activities. Some of the things we do include:
- Running orientation workshops for new JETs
- Participating in JET Q&A panels
- Organising career seminars and networking events
- Trivia and fundraising activities
- Organising Japanese arts and crafts demonstrations
- Promote JET Programme at Japanese festivals and conventions
We’d love to hear from JETs and JET alumni,
and organisations looking to work with us!
History of JETAA Oceania
When the first JETs returned home, they began to almost immediately self-organise into groups to maintain contact. Recognising the potential of this alumni community, the JET Alumni Association was formally established in 1989, with 37 chapters recognised worldwide. Of this, Oceania consisted of Australia’s Sydney (NSW), Melbourne (VIC), Adelaide (SA), Perth (WA), Darwin (NT), Brisbane (QLD); New Zealand had Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington.
Canberra was created in 1991, while NT was soon merged with WA. The Hobart subchapter (TAS) was first recorded in 1999. SA ceased to be a full chapter in 2007 and came under VIC as a subchapter. In New Zealand, the subchapter of Dunedin (part of Christchurch, South Island), was created in 2009, but became dormant in 2019.
More information on the background of JETAA can be seen on the JETAAI website.
JETAA Country Representatives
Australia and New Zealand have separate JETAA Country Representatives. The roles represent the JETAAs of their country (or area) on the JETAA International executive committee group, with the intention of building relationships with the global alumni at large.
See below for the bylaws for each Country Representative.

Ashlie O’Neill (NSW)
Current serving AU Country Representative (2021-)
Past Country Representatives
2019-2020 Will Perera (WA)
2015-2018 Eden Law (NSW)
2013-2014 Raelene Morey (VICTASSA)
2010-2012 David Boyd (NSW)
2009 Michelle Fox (NSW)
2006-2008 Michael Adams (NSW)
2004-2005 Brendon Lutwyche (QLD)
2001-2003 Tony Rikkers (WA)
2000 Megan Kaino (WA)

Kendra Sim (Auckland)
Current serving NZ Country Representative (2020-)
Past Country Representatives
2018-2019 Roseanna Finkle-Vern (Wellington)
2016-2017 Raewyn MacGregor (Wellington)
2014-2015 Shelley Butt (Auckland)
2012-2013 Sol Fergus (Auckland)
2005 Peter De Valda (Auckland)
2004 Aaron Dods
2003 Snaiet Shalav (Wellington)
JETAA Oceania Regional Conference

Annually, the chapters of JETAA Oceania come together for a conference, to exchange ideas, be updated on the activities of other chapters, discuss issues and inspire each other with future projects and activities.
The first conference was held in 2000 in Sydney, coinciding with the year that the Olympics was held there, and was initially known as the Australia-New Zealand Regional Conference.
The conference is hosted in turn by chapters, and usually alternating between a major state or regional capital city in Australia and New Zealand. Outside of Oceania, only the US (with Canada) regularly organise such meetings.
Past conferences have been held in:
- Sydney, AU (2019)
- Perth, AU (2018)
- Auckland, NZ (2017)
- Canberra, AU (2016)
- Christchurch, NZ (2015)
- Melbourne, AU (2014)
- Wellington, NZ (2013)
- Brisbane, AU (2012)
- Sydney, AU (2011)
- Fremantle, AU (2010)
- Auckland, NZ (2009)
- Melbourne, AU (2008)
- Christchurch, AU (2007)
- Canberra, AU (2006)
- Brisbane, AU (2005)
- Auckland, NZ (2004)
- Perth, AU (2003)
- Wellington, NZ (2002)
- Melbourne, AU (2001)
- Sydney, AU (2000)
In 2019, the conference was held in Sydney, Australia, from October Saturday 5th to Sunday 6th.
Attendance is by invite-only, and open only to official chapter committee members, CLAIR and any guests that CLAIR or the host chapter may invite.